Celebrate 21 year the album of «Fire of city Babylon».
27.02, MCKM, 19:00
Tickets here.
See of you soon.
See - а new clip from an album VATRA black already on Youtube
Video by Olga Navrotska
Solo concert in Kyiv - on Septembers, 22. In V`YAVA.
To the day of Constitution of Ukraine together with Derzhkino present a song “Constitution for all” and animated clip on it.
Time to cross the Atlantic Ocean - we prepare to the eleemosynary concerts in the USA and Canada.
On us 16 cities and 17 concerts expect on each of them we will collect donats for help Ukraine. It is a primary purpose. This eleemosynary round at support of GUR MO and this bout collect for one of the special divisions - «Artan». Your support and does donat greet!
Philadelphia 07/08
New York 08/08
Montreal 09/08
Ottawa 10/08
London 11/08
Oakville 15/08
Toronto 16/08
Chicago 17-18/08
Winnipeg 20/08
Saskatoon 22/08
Edmonton 23/08
Calgary 24/08
Vancouver 25/08
Seattle 28/08
San-Francisco 29/08
Austin 31/08
A new socks "Tryzub" in our shop. Welcome.
To the tour chart added:
Kyiv, on May, 26 is "Festival Generation", VDNG;
Dnipro, on May, 31 is "Festival Generation", Avalanche Park;
Poltava, on June, 1 - Villa of Crocodile.
Lviv - for you there will be the special suggestion: on June, 12 - Jazzy on terrace !FESTrepublic.
A considerable update is in our brandname shop:
1) a new sport shirt is "Tryzub-2";
2) new books of Fozzey;
3) returning of rubber patches.
To the section of "books" are four novels of Fozzey added in a shop.
Today video of concert goes out "21 year to the album of Neformat", taken off on a concert in Kyiv in December, 2022.
The sale of double vinyl of "Neformat" - reediting of classic album of 2001 starts today. In our shop - with autographs.
A new site is opened! Welcome!
New single goes out today, "Legends" are joint work from Pianoboy. Track is already on all platforms, and clip by Victor Skuratovsky - in Youtube.
Playing 38 eleemosynary concerts in 12 countries of Europe, a group went to Ukraine. It will be farther.